Friday 27 May 2016

Samsung Launches Two New iPhone 6s Look-Alikes: Galaxy C5 And Galaxy C7


Samsung officially launched two new smart C5 Galaxy phones and Galaxy C7, but should pay attention to two new devices function has been squandered, it is not being squandered the fact that South Korean electronics giant does not seem to have learned anything over the years of litigation Apple Inc. You may or may not remember Apple and Samsung litigation , it basically revolves around Apple’s belief that Samsung copied the visual image of many products based. The judge agreed to Apple, but it seems that Samsung’s design team did not get the memo, with the Galaxy C5 and C7 looks like Apple’s iPhone 6S and iPhone 6S Plus the same clone.

Let’s start with the smaller of these two new introductions, the Galaxy C5. It will work with a 5.2 inches of 1080p projectors, which makes it slightly larger than Apple’s iPhone 6S products, while almost the same visual shipments. It is even across the casing, wherein, in the case of i Phone, there are actually exposed to the antenna rather than purely aesthetic rear portion of the same frequency band. See if you can lower the Galaxy C5 and C7 of the case, or if it’s a literal copy copy sake it would be interesting. Anyway, we digress.


camera wise, C5 is equipped with a rear 160,000 pixel products, as well as a forward 800-megapixel camera self-timer. There are 617 family of Snapdragon processor, along with 4GB of RAM and assist with raw processing power. Android 6.0.1 marshmallow comes installed outside of the box, the device consists of a 2,600mAh internal battery pack.

Samsung iPhone 6S In addition, also known as the Galaxy C7, these two new large, with 5.7 inches of 1080 and the same camera monitor stack smaller brothers shipments. Galaxy C7 also has 4GB of RAM, but with improved Snapdragon 625 series processor performance bump, of course, a larger 3,300mAh battery to power those additional pixels. Operating system choice? Android 6.0.1 marshmallow


phone’s internal specification is perfectly acceptable, but still will make quite a high-performance addition to anyone’s smartphone Arsenal, however, you just can ‘hide the fact that Samsung, like HTC and A9 , has literally zero input design innovation to these two new smartphones. Given the size of the company, and in fact, it’s Andr oid smartphone in the world’s largest producer, it is actually quite sad to see such a blatant clone is extruded into the market.


If you are happy to have a Samsung branded iPhone, then the Chinese residents should be able to pick up the C5 is 2199 yuan (about $ 335), or 2599 yuan ( about $ 396) a larger C7.

The phones will be available in four colors to choose from: rose, gold, gray, silver


(Source: Samsung )

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Samsung Launches Two New iPhone 6s Look-Alikes: Galaxy C5 And Galaxy C7

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