Thursday 1 September 2016

Samsung Galaxy Note 7 Exynos Vs Snapdragon 820 [Speed Test]

Yes, you guessed it, another new high-profile smartphone has been released to various markets , which of course means that there must be a speed test to see whether it is how to implement.

Of course, we talked about Samsung Galaxy Note 7 , but not put it head-to-head confrontation like Apple’s iPhone 6S Plus devices, for which we are talking about the Samsung Europe (the Exynos ) compared to their counterparts in the latest tablet phone that saw the US version of speed test (Snapdragon 820). Same manufacturer, same model, but different processors.


in the Paper Size is a funny thing, when it comes to smart phones and tablet PCs. We have been involved in the history of the first two devices against each other in a series of head tests, which should have a clear winner, if the specifications are anything to go by a variety of speed tests. However, in many of the tests, the exact opposite happened, and this is largely due to its success seems to be a maximum of inferior equipment, on paper at least the height of the hardware and software optimization marriage.

this time, but we see two versions of the new Samsung Galaxy Note 7 and put them head-to-head series involves a run across multiple types of the same application testing and categories. The purpose of this test is to look at every device start-up and load exactly how the application content, and what hardware and software combination is how to effectively use such multi-tasking and provide status on the second launch faster load times held applications.

For anyone who witnessed the Samsung hardware speed tests in the past, it may not come as a surprise to learn that the Galaxy Note based on 7 Exynos – International Edition finished two laps of the test than the United States according to the fast Snapdragon-22 Miao counterparts

Note that this test is not exactly scientific strong experience does not necessarily translate into actual device owners will have to because it is very unusual has introduced and close the application is very important timer. But it is still very interesting, there are two such injection have significant performance differences between different markets 7 models available

(Source: DroidModderX root master of YouTube )

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Samsung Galaxy Note 7 Exynos Vs Snapdragon 820 [Speed Test]

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